
TThe Jewish Union of Russian Immigrants (JURI) is a charitable, cultural, and educational organization serving the community since 1978, when it was established as a not-for-profit organization under chapter 501 (c)3 of the US Tax Code. It is one of the oldest non-profit community-based organizations created by the Russian-speaking Jewish immigrants. Currently, JURI has more than 800 members and we are a member organization of the Council of Jewish Émigré Community Organizations (COJECO), which represents 400,000 people from the Russian-speaking New York émigré community.

Our mission is to raise awareness in Russian speaking Jews of all age groups about their cultural and religious heritage. In addition, JURI offers lectures on issues pertinent to sustainable personal, cultural and financial improvements in the life styles of our community members.

JURI aspires to foster Jewish identity among Russian speaking Jews by introducing fundamentals of Jewish history, culture and traditions. Our programs include lectures, theatrical shows and other cultural events. We organize celebrations of the Jewish holidays, as well as individual Jewish family events.