“Russian Jews are true members of the community”. “Russian Jews are the future of orthodoxy”. How often do we hear these phrases at dinners, community events, shiurim?
For more than 30 years now since the major wave of immigration from the Soviet Union, American Jewry was hoping to bring “the Russians” to the Torah way of life. It is happening! Boys and girls from Russian speaking families are learning and graduating mainstream Jewish schools in the United States. This is the power of Torah Jewry in America, its strength, its uniqueness, its greatness.
However, many families simply cannot afford Jewish education. For every individual family that sends their children to a Jewish school, the struggle to make a decision is real every day. Unlike our American brethren, we do not have even a remote possibility to rely on what our fathers and grandfathers left us. Tuition often is the only thing we are paying for – not homes, not special activities for our children, of course not vacations with family. Lots of time – not even the full tuition. Yet our children learn. Learn knowing that they could be thrown out of school since the parents won’t be able to pay next month.
There are those, who unfortunately have to very seriously consider taking their kids to public school educational system, due to the heavy burden of tuition.
It is time to take things into our hands, and to invest in our future. Helping the children attend a yeshiva is not a gift, and not only a donation you make because of the goodness of your heart. It’s YOUR investment into YOUR future, the future of your community, hence your own children.
A donor is a partner. A partner in building and maintaining the values of the Torah observant Jewry.
We need your generous support to provide our children with better education and build stronger Jewish communities. Let’s build a better world together!
Donate now!
You can also mail a check payable to the Jewish Union of Russian Immigrants or “JURI” to 1749 Ocean Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11230.
Your charitable contribution is greatly appreciated.
JURI is a non-profit 501c3 organization.